The Death Railway

Among the many sections of the railway, the Hellfire Pass was known to be the worst section as it was the longest and deepest section

Among the many sections of the railway, the Hellfire Pass was known to be the worst section as it was the longest and deepest section

The environment..

The area has very steep mountain slopes which the prisoners had to walk a number of kilometers of while carrying heavy equipment from the camp.

Hours were very long into the night, food and medicine were scarce.

The living conditions were primitive, leaking tents with little to no accommodation.

This resulted in many workers getting sick and died.

They only work and sleep

not worried...

This was not very concerning for the Japanese because they could just call for more workers.

The last of these reinforcements was the H force which consist of nearly 3300 men.

Many of them were older and was already in poor health from working and traveling from the previous site.

Many workers lived their last moments here

An account from one of the prisoners of war...

He described the Japanese officer that was in charge of the camp to be very brutal and tends to be drunk which makes things worse.

Under his supervision, the guards were encouraged to punish and torture the prisoners. Sick prisoners were still forced to work.

Some Japanese officers and medical officers have to restrain the brutal officer whenever he is too violent.

Finally, the prisoner mentioned that despite the long hours they work, they were only given small amount of rice and pumpkin soup per day, with no meat or fish.

I would honestly not make it out of this

Japanese invasion through southeast asia

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